No Animal Should Be Sad.
All Animals Need To Feel Loved.
Our Mission.
Our mission at Happy Place Animal Rescue is to rescue, raise, rehabilitate and find loving homes for abandoned, neglected, and abused animals.
- “Rehabbing and rescuing animals is not an easy task, and doing that when they are injured or sick is so much harder. From the sleepless nights to every 2 hour feedings, making sure they stay hydrated and the devotion to show them love when maybe they have never known it before, while also knowing the percentage rate of survival is sometimes slim.
But the hardest part of all is when they take their last breath while I’m holding them so they feel safe.... I will never get used to that! The one thing I do know is that even if they are only with me for a short period of time, they will all know what it feels like to be loved!”
-Melody Allison (Happy Place Founder)
Meet Some Of Our Animals
He came to me as an owner Surrender. When I found him he was in a pasture with no grass, no water, eating cactus to get hydrated and walking on rocks and broken glass. His mane and tail was so knotted with sticker burrs that he had to loose a lot of it to allow me to brush him. He was very underweight, scared, and timid. It took several months of nourishment and love, before he started to trust again. Now he’s in a big beautiful pasture with lots of grass. He has been rehomed with new owners that give him plenty of love and attention. He’s so handsome!
He came to me in July 2020… Found walking in circles in the middle of a street. He has no eyeballs…. He weighed about 5 ounces when he arrived. Today, he tops off at 8 lbs. He’s a big ole boy and he loves to eat! Did y’all know that if a baby opossum falls off the mom while she’s traveling, the mom won’t come back for it?? That’s ok, I’m Owens mom now and I’ll always be here for him.
Reba and Speckles
Reba was attacked by a raccoon several months ago. She suffered a severe leg injury that ended up having to be amputated. She’s adapted very well. Every morning I carry her to her special play yard and she hops around all day just fine. In the evening she’s patiently waiting for me to carry her back to her roosting pen. She’s one tough ole gal!
Speckles was attacked by a raccoon. If you look closely at her feet you will see the majority of her toes are missing! She also lost 1/2 of her wing on the left side. The healing process took a few weeks. But she’s a fighter. She’s all healed up now and gets around just fine.
Meet "BB" (Black Beauty)
BB was my very first rescue... Limping down a gravel dusty road., hair all knotted and full of sticker burrs.. When I got her home, I noticed a very large open wound on her front right leg.. I will save you the gory details and pictures... Long story short, First vet I took her too wanted to put her down... (not an option for me) 2nd vet said.. Lets give it a go and see what we can do... They removed the tumor and luckily it wasn't cancerous and they had enough skin to close the opening.. Needless to say, she became family and now lives with me and yes, she is spoiled rotten! After all she is my "first" domestic rescue!
Paul had to struggle so much his first few weeks of life. He came to me along with his brother Peter. Ate up with worms and starving! Sadly his brother Peter lost his fight. But Paul was determined to overcome all his obstacles. It didn’t take long with a lot of the right food, vaccinations and plenty of love and Paul grew into a beautiful young pup! Way to go Paul! Your definitely a fighter!